Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Road Buzz, produced by Saft and Boneless

There are some artists whose work does fit into the world of illustration but not because they slavishly follow the rules - more that their art is infectious. Neal Layton has a magic which pleases both publishers and children and you may have seen his books on The Story of Everything, his fiction about the Mammoth Academy, his non-fiction illustrations for Poo or his work for the Emily Brown books written by Cressida Cowell. His sense of humour and oddball characters are quite special.

Neal is married to the artist, Sadie Tierney. Already well known as a printmaker, she has now worked with Neal to produce the most exciting, inspiring and professional 80-minute film on the art of downhill skateboarding, luge and all sorts of abandon. It's called Road Buzz, it has some excellent music - and I recommend it highly.

"Without any braking system apart from shoes nailed and stuck with car tyre rubber they erupt from the valleys and mountain roads of the world. Sculptors whose material is gravity." "A tour of European mountains, interviewing some of the characters along the way to examine issues of trust, fear, obsession and motivation."

Visit the Saft and Boneless website for more information. Copies of the DVD can be bought from three sources. For only £10 you can see right into this incredibly brave and tightly-knit community.
Longboard Lounge
Longboard Source

Saturday, 5 June 2010

New Jim Kay cover

Jim Kay was asked by Frances Lincoln to produce a cover for The Ministry of Pandemonium by Chris Westwood - and he produced this striking two-colour solution. More of Jim Kay's illustration here. And here.