Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Arena's online shop

Arena have now put some original artwork and prints into an online shop. You'll find paintings and prints by John Howe (concept artist on the Lord of the Rings films) on there, Susan Hellard's delightfully French line drawings for the successful Madame Pamplemousse series for Bloomsbury are included, and Adam Stower is offering some political cartoons - as well as some line drawings from the Spymice series.

The illustration shown is of Bob, the Man on the Moon from the series of successful picture books and short novels by Simon Bartram. You'll find references to the books in the Arena shop as well. Bob goes to the moon every day in his rocket to tidy up and to show the tourists round. He doesn't notice that his dog looks a bit peculiar - and he doesn't think that aliens exist but in fact a few sneak back to Earth with him each day in his rocket, unnoticed. So watch out for them both in the Arena shop - and when you're next out and about.