Thursday, 17 July 2008

Gillian Wearing exhibition in LA

Here is an interesting review in Art Forum on the exhibition of Gillian's work. She collaborated with Jim Burns for this show. Also some photographs of the work in place.

Eve covers for Tor Books

Gordon Crabb is working on a series of urban fantasy covers which feature a half-Chinese heroine called Evangeline Hollis.

Friday, 4 July 2008

Jim Burns' work for Gillian Wearing

For the past few months Jim Burns has been involved in a large project for the Turner Prize winning British artist, Gillian Wearing. Gillian's concept "focuses on the issue of identity and representation in portraiture" and she commissioned Jim to paint seven different models whom she'd chosen, interviewed and photographed. The paintings are large airbrush versions of Gillian's photography.

Jim has enjoyed the challenge of producing paintings to Gillian's
exacting standards and we wish her well with the show. It opens at the Regen Projects Gallery in Los Angeles on 14th July 2008. The image shown is their ad in Frieze magazine.