Monday, 19 November 2007

Neil Gaiman for World Book Day

Fred Gambino has illustrated the cover of Neil Gaiman's book, Odd and the Frost Giants, which is the World Book Day edition to be published by Bloomsbury Children's Books. More of Fred's recent illustration here.

And two more Artists in Spectrum!

Jim Burns's work was The Dryad of the Oaks (top) a fine oil painting which is for sale through Worlds of Wonder, and Fred Gambino had a piece in the film section. This was Zoc's Lab, a scene of great atmosphere from The Ant Bully which flashed past so quickly in the film that it was difficult to see. I'm pleased that it has another viewing in book form.

Two Artists in Spectrum 14

All four of the artists who entered images for Spectrum this year have had work accepted. The new book is now published and it looks more spectacular than ever. As the title suggests, this is the "Best in Fantastic Art" which is a justifiable claim.

John Harris's entry was the cover for Horizons by Mary Rosenblum, published by Tor Books (top).

Gordon Crabb's was the cover for The Lord of Lies by David Zindell, also published by Tor Books (bottom).

Varmints by Helen Ward and Marc Craste

Anyone interested in innovative film-making should buy a copy of a new book published by Templar Publishing. Varmints was written by Helen Ward especially for Marc Craste to illustrate and it's a story of a possible near future when the Earth is swamped by a mindless civilisation with huge slab-like buildings reminiscent of Metropolis. There are few words but you'll be pleased to know that our hero, along with his mini-garden, is finally able to climb up into one of the beautiful pods which sails gracefully towards a cleaner and brighter future.

You'll probably have seen Marc's animation work on the award-winning series of Lloyds TSB ads produced by Studio AKA. Marc is also know for his short film, JoJo in the Stars, and the studio is currently working on a film of Varmints which will be released in 2008.

Saturday, 17 November 2007

Gordon Crabb at Merchant Archive

Gordon Crabb is showing a range of his fine art prints at a new venue in London. Merchant Archive offers a collection of beautiful vintage clothing ranging from the Victorian era to the 1960's, as well as a fascinating range of art and artefacts. Soon to be featured in Japanese and Chinese Vogue, I would recommend a visit to the new premises at 320 Kilburn Lane, London W9 3EF.

Escape from Planet Earth

Fred Gambino has been in Vancouver working at Rainmaker Studios since the summer. He's working on an animated film about aliens escaping from Area 51 - which is to be released in 2008. John Harris has now joined him and the rest of the large team of artists currently working on the film. With a lifelong interest in film, John is pleased to be involved with this production.

Jim Burns in Deathray Magazine

Look out for the next edition of Deathray Magazine where you will find Guy Haley's article on Jim Burns together with three spreads crammed with examples of his illustrations for book covers both for UK and US publishers.